A top recruitment agency was recruiting for the bank at enugu. I arrived at the venue very early and sat in a small room with the few persons that had arrived, after a while people trickled in until the room was filled and the seats fully occupied, people had to stay outside, when the time for the interview was upon us, one of the officials of the recruitment agency came and addressed us about the importance of marketing to the bank, our careers, and to us as young people ( we didn't apply for marketing position, they didn't inform us on the role we would be interviewed for nor the name of the bank). The very funny stuff was that the job seekers were all in suit, sweating profusely, but none could muster the courage to put on the ceiling fan, when I asked the man closest to the switch to do so, he simply replied, "o boy u no get leg to waka go put am"
The interview.
This was my first interview, so I was a little nervous but excited, I had nothing to lose, they either accept me or reject me, I told myself people go to war and they don't poo their pants, I was just going to face a human not a tiger and have a constructive talk with the person. Names where been called, I didn't want to seat, I stood outside the room with some very nervous ladies and gents and they really appeared nerve wrecked, jittering and scared, I decided that I would not appear frightened, and that was the mistake I made..
It got to my turn, I walked into the office and faced my nemesis, my interviewer sparked
" MR Man who told you to enter in the first place, you are supposed to stand in the doorway until I give you permission to enter"
I apologized immediately and was asked to sit and then hand my cv over.
The first question, "mr man, what is your name" Sir my name is Ambrose ochuko
"Tell me about yourself"
I had practiced this question numerous times, so I was really eloquent. He laughed after I was done, and said " oboy you cram this thing". No sir I didn't, I had prepared myself for this question and the likes sir, I prepared myself for the interview Sir..
So you said you were the best in your class right? Yes sir I replied.
"What course?" International studies and diplomacy sir,
He laughed again, "you have entered my trap because I would ask you difficult questions and you are expected to give me the correct not near correct answers.
Tell me about the foreign policy of obasanjos government in 2000."
Sir, nigeria during the regime of general sani abacha from 1993 to 1998 was regarded as a pariah state, obasanjo tried to reintroduce nigeria as a responsible member of the global committee of nations and....
"stop there, you are speaking Grammer for me, what is pariah, eh..".
pariah sir is..."
shut up, I know it..
"You have failed that one" but sir I protested, "see i won't argue with you, continue speaking Grammer, I liked this, he said with a very ominous laughter, the lady sitting with him joined in the laughter, I felt weak..
"Your next question is tell me the origin of the igbos?"
No problem sir, I started, the igbos originate from the volta congo region in africa, they..
"wait there is that it, are you sure you did your african history well, university of Benin abi, are you sure you even graduated"...
Is that the only origin of the igbo race,
sir, there are traditions of origins which postulate that the igbos are from Israel and also another which say that the progenitor of the igbo people came from the sky, but these are just hemitic hypotesis and the latter is just untrue,
" who told you that the igbos are not from Israel eh, you don't have the right to say that, what do you think you know" I just tire..
Em, he turned to the lady and asked if she had any questions for me, to which the lady looked at me as if I was fart or even poo, a demeaning look with a laughter replied, Abegi no questions.
"Well what can someone who studied international studies and diplomacy do in a bank sef" Sir I began, international stu... "I have heard you, you can now go, we will get back to you..
I was disappointed not that I knew I had lost the job, but the total disregard of professionalism the recruiting office displayed. So if i may advise you, if you are seeking a job opportunity, don't appear confident, simply be downbeat and downtrodden. My first job interview was a total disaster but I learned valuable lessons from the episode.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
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» My Disastrous Banking Job Interview On The 5th Of October 2015
My Disastrous Banking Job Interview On The 5th Of October 2015
By Unknown22:24
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