Tuesday 17 November 2015

US & Canada Bobby Jindal drops out of the race for US president

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has dropped out of the race for the US presidency after struggling for months to gain traction amid a sprawling field of Republican candidates.
Although he showed some strength in the early voting state of Iowa, the 44-year-old governor consistently performed poorly in national polls.
He was shut out of the main Republican debates, relegated to secondary stages.
"This is not my time," Governor Jindal said on Tuesday.
The Oxford-educated son of Indian immigrants added diversity to the Republican field, which includes African-American neurosurgeon Ben Carson and businesswoman Carly Fiorina.
However, Governor Jindal sought to distance himselffrom his Indian heritage during the campaign.
"We are not Indian-Americans, African-Americans, Irish-Americans, rich Americans, or poor Americans. We are all Americans," he told supporters when he launched his campaign in June.


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