Tuesday 18 August 2015

How to Express Gratitude

You may feel grateful for your friends, family, health, and circumstances, but it may not always be easy to know how you should express that. To truly express your gratitude, you have to be kind, open, and on a mission to make people feel better about who they are. Don't be bashful and take the time you need to let people know how much they really mean to you. Just remember that a more grateful life is a happier life.
Method One of Three:
Expressing Gratitude for Your Loved Ones
Write “thank you” cards.“Thank you” cards aren’t just meant for your teachers; you can give them to anyone who has influenced your life in a positive way. You can write these cards to your favorite barista or your best friend, and you don’t need to wait for a special occasion to send one along, either. Sending a card expressing your gratitude to a loved one just because can be one of the easiest ways to show how grateful you are for the person’s presence in your life.
*.You can also write a “thank you” letter if you feel like everything you have to say won’t fit in a card.
*.Mail the cards to your friends, even if they live just a few blocks away, to show that you’ve really made an effort.
Do favors for your friends just because.If you want to express your gratitude, then you shouldn’t do favors for your friends just because they’ve helped you out recently or because you want something in return. Instead, help them out just because you care for them and want to make their day a little easier. This can mean picking up coffee or lunch when they’re busy, offering to babysit or walk your friend’s dog, or finding another small way to make a big difference in your friend’s life.
*.Be observant. Look to see how you can really help out your friend. If your friend seems tired, say you’ll take her dog for a walk while she naps. If her room is a mess, offer to help her organize it. Your friend may not even realize what she needs until you suggest it.
*.Of course, your friends should sometimes do favors for you in return. You don’t want to feel like people are taking advantage of your kindness.
Tell your family members how much you appreciate them.You may be taking your family members for granted without even realizing it. If you want to show your family members how much they mean to you, then all you have to do is remember to tell them that you love them every single day, and to show that you appreciate all of the love, rides, food, help, and any other offerings they have given you.
*.Tell them in person, in a card, or over the phone. Do it often. Your family members may be the people you take the most for granted, and it’s important to get your true feelings out there.
*.Show them how much they mean to you by giving them your time. Make family time when you just watch movies, play board games, or cook together. A time commitment is one way to show you’re grateful.
*.Help out more around the house than normal. Don’t wait for your mother to ask you to do an extra load of laundry for her; surprise her by taking the initiative.
Give meaningful gifts.Expressing gratitude isn’t about buying the most fancy or expensive gift money can buy; instead, it’s about finding a way to show how much the person means to you that shows thought and care. If your friend has been raving about her favorite book for years, invite her to a surprise reading to see the author or get her an autographed copy or first edition; if your friend loves yoga but is finding her hobby too expensive, get her a one-month pass to show how much you care.
*.Pay attention to what your friends or family members say. If one of your friends mentions her new favorite band, get concert tickets for when the band rolls through your town.
*.If your mother mentions wanting to learn to cook more Italian food, get her a book to help get her started.
*.You don’t have to wait until a birthday or a holiday to give a gift; sometimes the best gifts are given just because.
Send flowers.Sending flowers isn’t only for birthdays or other special occasions. You can send your friend or family member flowers just to show how much you care and to make a difference in that person’s day. The next time you’re feeling really grateful about a friendship, or just when you want to say hello to a faraway friend just because, call a florist in your friend’s area and order a bouquet of flowers that you know will light up your friend’s day.
*.If you can find a sneaky way to find out what your friend’s favorite flowers are in advance, then you can create a bouquet and personalized.


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